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With large open areas and aircrafts constantly taking off and landing, it is important to keep wildlife from entering the airport grounds.

Airport Wildlife Management

Agricultural wildlife control is a critical aspect of modern farming.

With large open areas and aircrafts constantly taking off and landing, it is important to keep wildlife from entering the airport grounds.

Airport Wildlife Control Methods

Fencing & barriers

One of the most effective ways to keep wildlife out of airport grounds is through the use of fencing and barriers. This can include physical barriers such as walls or hedges. Fencing options like welded wire mesh are very effective at keeping out larger animals, while smaller mesh sizes or netting can be used to keep out birds and other smaller wildlife.


Habitat modification

Habitat modification is another effective way to control wildlife around airports. This approach involves altering the environment to make it less attractive to wildlife. This can include removing food sources, creating natural barriers, or planting native species that are less appealing to wildlife or removing the plants that are drawing them in. By making the airport grounds less attractive to wildlife, it can discourage them from entering the airport grounds.

Trapping and relocation

Trapping and relocation can be used to remove problem wildlife from airport grounds. However, it should be done under the guidance of a professional, who can ensure that the animal is safely and humanely trapped, and that the relocation site is appropriate for the species. It is important to note that trapping and relocation can have negative impacts on the animal, and should only be used as a last resort when other methods have been exhausted. It is also important to check and follow the laws and regulations regarding trapping and relocation of wildlife.


Night shooting is a very covert and effective method of removing large quantities of pests with the minimal of fuss.

All the marksmen at Landmark are qualified in night shooting and hold open firearm certificates. They are very well versed in shooting on airfields and regularly shoot on large military airports.


Our airport wildlife control services

Geese & Avian Control

Specialising in humane and eco-friendly goose and bird control services, helping property owners and managers maintain a safe and enjoyable environment for visitors...

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Squirrel Control Services

Squirrel control is essential for maintaining the safety and integrity of your property. Our humane and eco-friendly methods effectively manage squirrel populations, preventing...

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0344 216 3055

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