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Motorways, Roads & Railways

At Landmark we deal with a variety of wildlife control situations at various sites, from ancient roman roads, urban railways to the M25.

Motorways, Roads & Railways Wildlife Management

Wildlife control measures are an important aspect of the development and maintenance of motorways, roads and railways.

At Landmark we deal with a variety of wildlife control situations at various sites, from ancient roman roads, urban railways to the M25.

These measures can help to reduce the negative impact of these infrastructure projects on wildlife, and create a more sustainable environment for both animals and humans.

Motorways, Roads and Railways Wildlife Control Methods

Fencing & barriers

An important aspect of wildlife control for safety is the use of barrier fencing. These fences can help to keep animals away from the roadway and reduce the risk of collisions. They can also be designed to direct animals towards wildlife crossings, further increasing their effectiveness.

Motorway wildlife management

Wildlife crossings

One of the keyways to improve safety is through the use of wildlife crossings or underpasses. These structures allow animals to safely cross the roadway, reducing the likelihood of collisions with vehicles. They can also help to maintain connectivity for wildlife populations by providing a means for animals to move through fragmented habitats.

Trapping and removal

We don’t just offer an initial removal of the rabbits and other problem wildlife but when required we also offer annual maintenance contracts to ensure these animals don’t return.

It is also important to take note of local laws and regulations regarding wildlife control.

The Landmark team are well versed in working on railways, motorways and A and B roads throughout the country. No matter the wildlife issue we will have a safe and effective method of removing the problem animals form your infrastructure, enquire now.

Wildlife contol

Our motorways, roads &railways wildlife control services

Geese & Avian Control

Specialising in humane and eco-friendly goose and bird control services, helping property owners and managers maintain a safe and enjoyable environment for visitors...

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Squirrel Control Services

Squirrel control is essential for maintaining the safety and integrity of your property. Our humane and eco-friendly methods effectively manage squirrel populations, preventing...

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0344 216 3055

Safe and cost-effective wildlife management solutions

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